Anita Eardley tells of a
Labour of love completed at last.
The members of the Mothers' Union have finally finished working on the new kneeler for the communion rail. It was presented and dedicated at the 10.00am. service on Easter Sunday.
The pattern on the kneeler is taken from the centre of the collection plate in church, and was transferred onto the canvas by Jackson's of Hebden Bridge.
It has taken 11 months to complete, and consists of three sections, so that they may be alternated to prevent wear in the centre section, which is the problem with the one in position at present.
The tension may be different in places, as around 19 people have helped to stitch the panels, but there has been no tension whilst it has been sewn. Everyone enjoyed the labour of love, and we pray that it will ease the tensions of all who kneel on it over the years to come.
Thanks to all who contributed towards the cost of £758.00, and to those who worked on the canvases - well done!